One Hand Knitting
One Hand Knitting
If you have always been an avid knitter and lost an arm or had a stroke and can only use one arm, this kit is for you.
It enables you to get back to what you love doing so much, which is knitting. Yes, it is actually possible to use a Shetland Knitting belt, a wool tensioner around your neck, and two knitting needles that are pointed at both ends.
How to hold the second needle if you only have one arm? You can use a shetland belt which is only available overseas and is costly. It works very well. You use double-pointed needles which are also hard to come by. The Shetland belt has a back and front made of leather which has holes in it. All you do is jam the needle into the knitting belt hole and that holds the needle snugly.
So what to do about working yarn? As you know, with the knit stitch you have the yarn on the far side and the purl stitch on the near side. Finding a way to change the knitting with one arm is quite difficult so you use a neck tensioner, similar to what is used in Portuguese knitting but modified to suit a one-armed person by either wrapping the yarn around your neck or around a knitting pin attached to your blouse. In this case, you put it over your head. What you do is bring the yarn from your work through the knitting pin and put it over your middle finger like a ring and that tensions it.